Based in Perth, Western Australia, ecologia Environment was established in 1989 to provide consulting services in the biological sciences to the resources sector. Over the past 25 years ecologia has developed a dedicated team of highly skilled professional scientists offering a diverse range of environmental services.
Our objective is to maintain our position as an industry leading private company that works in partnership with our clients to achieve sustainable development. We aim to achieve this by working closely with both our clients, regulators and stakeholders to build long term relationships. Our advice is unbiased and focused on practical solutions that achieve protection and conservation outcomes alongside sustainable development.
We pride ourselves in our workplace culture which centres on mutual respect and development of each individual to their full potential.
Senior Zoologist
Tim is our Senior Zoologist who has who has more than 13 years experience in undertaken fauna assessment and associated assessments in roles in consulting, resources and local government.
Tim has designed, led and undertaken Level 1 and Level 2 terrestrial vertebrate fauna, stygofauna, troglofauna, short-range endemics surveys and prepared associated reporting and environmental management plans, and has worked in a supervisory capacity during his roles in the resource and local government sectors.
- Bachelor of Applied Science (Environmental Biology) Curtin University, Western Australia
- Diploma of Project Management, Infinity Training
- Cert III Vertebrate Pest Management, Central Regional TAFE, Carnarvon
- Terrestrial Ecology, Surveys and Impact Assessment
- Threatened Species Management
- Rehabilitation and Revegetation
- Ecological Assessments, investigations and Monitoring
- Project coordination and management
- Environmental Planning
- Landscape Conservation Planning