Established in 1989, ecologia has provided environmental consulting services to the resources, onshore oil and gas, land development, infrastructure and government sectors for more than 25 years, including:
Biological Surveys (including Baseline Flora and Fauna Surveys)
Ecological Monitoring
Environmental Assessment and Management
Spatial Services
At ecologia we partner closely with our clients and evaluate projects in a holistic manner. We work side-by-side to assist them to navigate through the sometimes complex world of environmental regulation to produce outcomes that satisfies project deadlines, legislative compliance and environmental performance.
Our objective is to provide our clients with innovative, practical, cost-effective and timely solutions to environmental challenges. We achieve this by working closely with our clients, regulators and stakeholders, building long-term relationships in the process. Our advice is independent and focused on practical solutions that achieve balanced environmental protection and development outcomes.
ecologia has extensive experience in the design and execution of biological surveys across Western Australia, having completed more than 2,000 projects across the State. We have an expert in-house biological sciences team consisting of specialists in a range of zoological and botanical disciplines, giving us diverse technical expertise. Our biological sciences team can provide a range of services including:
- Flora and Vegetation Surveys
- Fauna Surveys
- Invertebrates including SREs (Short-range Endemics) Surveys
- Subterranean Fauna Surveys
- Specialist Revegetation Advice
Flora and Vegetation Surveys
ecologia provides flora and vegetation services to a broad range of clients from industry to local government. Whether you require regulatory approval for a development project or biological information to inform conservation management of natural areas, ecologia can design and implement surveys specific to your project that are compliant with current EPA requirements and guidelines. Survey results and recommendations are provided to you in formats that are not only ready for assessment by regulators but ready for use as management tools by your project team.
Our team of scientists have extensive experience designing and implementing flora and vegetation surveys across Western Australia and include industry recognised taxonomic experts and experienced field botanists.

Our flora and vegetation survey services include:
- Desktop Studies and Reconnaissance Surveys
- Detailed (Level 2) Flora and Vegetation Surveys
- Targeted Threatened and Priority Flora Surveys
- Vegetation Classification and Description
- Vegetation Condition Assessment
- Identification and Assessment of Threatened Ecological Communities (TECs) and Priority Ecological Communities (PECs)
- Weed Surveys and Mapping
- Natural Area Initial Assessment (NAIA)
- Plant Specimen Identification
- Groundwater Dependent Ecosystem Assessments
Our flora and vegetation surveys comply with the most recent EPA guidelines including:
- Technical Guidance: Flora and Vegetation Surveys for Environmental Impact Assessment, Environmental Protection Authority, Western Australia, 2016.
- Environmental Factor Guideline: Flora and Vegetation, Environmental Protection Authority, Western Australia, December 2016.
Vertebrate Fauna and SRE Fauna Surveys
ecologia has completed over 800 terrestrial fauna surveys in all regions of Western Australia. Our experienced zoological team can deliver the full range of fauna survey services to a high technical standard and in accordance with guidelines, from large-scale Level 2 vertebrate fauna surveys to targeted threatened fauna surveys and SRE invertebrate surveys.
Our vertebrate and SRE fauna services include:
- Level 1 Surveys
- Level 2 Surveys
- Targeted Threatened Fauna surveys
- Fauna Habitat Assessments
- SRE Surveys
Our fauna surveys comply with the most recent EPA guidelines including:
- Technical Guidance: Terrestrial Fauna Surveys, Environmental Protection Authority, Western Australia, December 2016.
- Technical Guidance: Sampling Methods for Terrestrial Vertebrate Fauna, Environmental Protection Authority, Western Australia, December 2016.
- Technical Guidance: Sampling of Short Range Endemic Invertebrate Fauna, Environmental Protection Authority, Western Australia, December 2016.
- Environmental Factor Guideline: Terrestrial Fauna, Environmental Protection Authority, Western Australia, December 2016.
Ecological monitoring is a means of measuring environmental performance and demonstrating compliance. Regulators often require companies to implement monitoring programs to ensure that risk management strategies are working effectively.
There are several types of biophysical monitoring including:
- Baseline studies to establish pre-impact state
- On-going monitoring to determine effectiveness of management strategies
- Monitoring to measure success rates of rehabilitation against completion criteria
ecologia can assist with all ecological monitoring requirements. We have extensive experience in botanical and zoological monitoring particularly in the areas of:
- Vertebrate Fauna (including Threatened fauna)
- Short-range Endemic Invertebrate Fauna (SRE’s)
- Stygofauna
- Troglofauna
- Aquatic Invertebrates
- Flora (including Threatened and Priority Flora)
- Vegetation (including Groundwater Dependent Ecosystems, TEC’s, PEC’s)
- Mangrove Communities
- Minesite Revegetation
ecologia provides expert advice and strategies to ensure regulatory compliance and/or the fulfilment of internal company performance targets for all aspects of project rehabilitation and restoration, from baseline studies, the establishment of practical completion criteria, revegetation strategies, and ecosystem monitoring. Importantly, ecologia can provide practical advice if monitoring indicates that rehabilitation performance is deficient, and provide practical solutions to restore performance to fulfil target criteria in a timely manner.
Our rehabilitation team has proven experience in all aspects of rehabilitation activities including revegetation design, soil preparation, species selection, seeding and planting, weed control, monitoring and reporting. ecologia provides life of project solutions for all rehabilitation requirements from planning through to relinquishment.
To achieve sound and cost-effective project environmental outcomes, commensurate to the type and extent of the impact, the environmental aspects of a project should be integrated within the planning and design process. To facilitate this coordinated approach, ecologia provides environmental advice to our clients at all stages of project development, from initial risk assessment and due diligence, through to planning and design, baseline studies and impact assessment, development of approvals pathways, State (EP Act Parts IV and V) and Commonwealth (EPBC Act) regulatory approvals documentation, project implementation and operations, to rehabilitation and relinquishment.
ecologia assists clients in the early identification of potential key environmental issues and provides advice on ways to effectively manage these issues. We undertake environmental assessments, prepare approvals documentation and develop practical environmental management plans (EMPs) that meet, and where appropriate, exceed client and regulatory expectations. Often environmental management requirements are passed on from companies to their contractors and in these situations we can prepare strategies to meet both client and associated contract requirements.
The team at ecologia is able to assist in areas critical to the sustainable development of projects and their ongoing operations.
Spatial data management, analysis and visualisation permeate all aspects of ecologia’s biological assessment and environmental management. Additionally, we provide spatial services to clients beyond our own surveys. We use advanced Geographical Information Systems (GIS) software (ESRI, ArcMap) to provide detailed, accurate and interpretable spatial products to our clients.
Our spatial and mapping services include:
- Desktop Mapping
- Spatial Data Creation and Presentation
- Remote Sensing
- Species Distribution and Density Heat Mapping
- Aerial Imagery Interpretation
- Vegetation Community and Condition Mapping
- Species Distribution Modelling